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SINFF 2016

A warm thank you to all of our guests

The Savonlinna Nature Film Festival will not be organized 2024.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that the Savonlinna International Nature Film Festival will not be held next year.

We in the organizing team of the festival have decided to take an extra time for the event and think about the future of the festival, updating the concept and the cost structure of the festival again. The future of the event is open.

We would like to thank the friends of nature cinema who have visited the event over the years. A big thank you also goes to the dozens of volunteers who have made it possible to organize the Nature Film Festival for more than 10 years. Thank you also to our partners, financiers and the creators of films and other programs.

Kiitos kaikille talkoolaisillemme, jotka ovat mahdollistaneet tapahtuman järjestämisen jo yli kymmenen vuoden ajan!

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