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SINFF 2016

Privacy and Cookie policy

Cookies are small text files exchanged between the browser on your device and the server. We use cookies on our website to develop our online service and to make it easier to find information. The choices you make on the website are saved on your device by using cookies. You can prevent the use of cookies by changing the settings on your browser or by emptying the cookie cache of your browser. No personal information is saved in cookies.

On our website, we use cookies from the following third parties:

The choices you make in the service are saved only on your own device by using cookies.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to monitor the use of the website and to create reports by which to improve the online experience and to make it easier to find information. The cookies used by our service are stored for 24 months.
More information on Google Analyticsin cookies

Google Tag Manager
By using cookies we are able to target marketing to the vistors who have been on our website. To manage these cookies we use Google Tag Manageria.
More information on Google Tag Managerin cookies



With Facebook cookies we get anonymous information about the traffic between Facebook and our website. By using those cookies we are able to target marketing on Facebook's advertising platform e.g. sponsored posts are a good example of that. The information is stored for 180 days.
More information on Facebook cookies 


Contact person:

Annakaisa Vänttinen

Other contact information:

Savonlinnan kansainvälisen luontoelokuvafestivaalin kannatusyhdistys ry

Olavinkatu 35 a 2 krs

57130 Savonlinna



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